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3. Implementation

The implementation of Pilot consists of a large number of Mesa modules which collectively provide the client environment as decribed above. The modules are grouped into larger components, each of which is responsible for implementing some coherent subset of the overall Pilot functionality. The relationships among the major components are illustrated in Figure 2:

Of particular interest is the interlocking structure of the four components of the storage system which together implement files and virtual memory. This is an example of what we call the manager/kernel pattern, in which a given facility is implemented in two stages: a low-level kernel provides a basic core of function, which is extended by the higher level manager. Layers interposed between the kernel and the manager can make use of the kernel and can in turn be used by the manager. The same basic technique has been used before in other systems to good effect, as discussed by Habermann et al. [6], who refer to it as "functional hierarchy." It is also quite similar to the familiar "policy/mechanism" pattern [1, 25]. The main difference is that we place no emphasis on the possibility of using the same kernel with a variety of managers (or without any manager at all). In Pilot, the manager/kernel pattern is intended only as a fruitful decomposition tool for the design of integrated mechanisms.

3.1 Layering of the Storage System Implementation

The kernel/manager pattern can be motivated by noting that since the purpose of Pilot is to provide a more hospitable environment than the bare machine, it would clearly be more pleasant for the code implementing Pilot if it could use the facilities of Pilot in getting its job done. In particular, both components of the storage system (the file and virtual memory implementations) maintain internal databases which are too large to fit inprimary memory, but only parts of which are needed at any one time. A client-level program would simply place such a database in a file and access it via virtual memory, but if Pilot itself did so, the resulting circular dependencies would tie the system in knots, making it unreliable and difficult to understand. One alternative would be the invention of a special separate mechanism for low-level disk access and main memory buffering, used only by the storage system to access its internal databases. This would eliminate the danger of circular dependency but would introduce more machinery, making the system bulkier and harder to understand in a different sense. A more attractive alternative is the extraction of a streamlined kernel of the storage system functionality with the following properties: (1) It can be implemented by a small body of code which resides permanently in primary memory.

(2) It provides a powerful enough storage facility to significantly ease the implementation of the remainder of the full-fledged storage system.

(3) It can handle the majority of the "fast cases" of client-level use of the storage system. Figure 2 shows the implementation of such a kernel storage facility by the swapper and the filer. These two subcomponents are the kernels of the virtual memory and file components, respectively, and provide a reasonably powerful environment for the nonresident subcomponents, the virtual memory manager, and the file manager, whose code and data are both swappable. The kernel environment provides somewhat restricted virtual memory access to a small number of special files and to preexisting normal files of fixed size.

The managers implement the more powerful operations, such as file creation and deletion, and the more complex virtual memory operations, such as those thattraverse subtrees of the hierarchy of nested spaces. The most frequent operations, however, are handled by the kernels essentially on their own. For example, a page fault is handled by code in the swapper, which calls the filer to read the appropriate page(s) into memory, adjusts the hardware memory map, and restarts the faulting process.

The resident data structures of the kernels serve as caches on the swappable databases maintained by the managers. Whenever a kernel finds that it cannot perform an operation using only the data in its cache, it conceptually "passes the buck" to its manager, retaining no state information about the failed operation. In this way, a circular dependency is avoided, since such failed operations become the total responsibility of the manager. The typical response of a manager in such a situation is to consult its swappable database, call the resident subcomponent to update its cache, and then retry the failed operation.

The intended dynamics of the storage system implementation described above are based on the expectation that Pilot will experience three quite different kinds of load. (1) For short periods of time, client programs will have their essentially static working sets in primary memory and the storage system will not be needed.

(2) Most of the time, the client working set will be changing slowly, but the description of it will fit in the swapper/filer caches, so that swapping can take place with little or no extra disk activity to access the storage system databases.

(3) Periodically, the client working set will change drastically, requiring extensive reloading of the caches as well as heavy swapping. It is intended that the Pilot storage system be able to respond reasonably to all three situations: In case (1), it should assume a low profile by allowing its swappable components (e.g., the managers) to swap out. In case (2), it should be as efficient as possible, using its caches to avoid causing spurious disk activity. In case (3), it should do the best it can, with the understanding that while continuous operation in this mode is probably not viable, short periods of heavy traffic can and must be optimized, largely via the advice-taking operations discussed in Section 2.2.

3.2 Cached Databases of the Virtual Memory Implementation

The virtual memory manager implements the client visible operations on spaces and is thus primarily concerned with checking validity and maintaining the database constituting the fundamental representation behind the Space interface. This database, called the hierarchy, represents the tree of nested spaces defined in Section 2.2. For each space, it contains a record whose fields hold attributes such as size, base page number, and mapping information.

The swapper, or virtual memory kernel, manages primary memory and supervises the swapping of data between mapped memory and files. For this purpose it needs access to information in the hierarchy. Since the hierarchy is swappable and thus off limits to the swapper, the swapper maintains a resident space cache which is loaded from the hierarchy in the manner described in Section 3.1.

There are several other data structures maintained by the swapper. One is a bit-table describing the allocation status of each page of primary memory. Most of the bookkeeping performed by the swapper, however, is on the basis of the swap unit, or smallest set of pages transferred between primary memory and file backing storage. A swap unit generally corresponds to a "leaf" space; however, if a space is only partially covered with subspaces, each maximal run of pages not containing any subspaces is also a swap unit. The swapper keeps a swap unit cache containing information about swap units such as extent (first page and length), containing mapped space, and state (mapped or not, swapped in or out, replacement algorithm data).

The swap unit cache is addressed by page rather than by space; for example, it is used by the page fault handler to find the swap unit in which a page fault occurred. The content of an entry in this cache is logically derived from a sequence of entries in the hierarchy, but direct implementation of this would require several file accesses to construct a single cache entry. To avoid this, we have chosen to maintain another database: the projection. This is a second swappable database maintained by the virtual memory manager, containing descriptions of all existing swap units, and is used to update the swap unit cache. The existence of the projection speeds up page faults which cannot be handled from the swap unit cache; it slows down space creation/deletion since then the projection must be updated. We expect this to be a useful optimization based on our assumptions about the relative frequencies and CPU times of these events; detailed measurements of a fully loaded system will be needed to evaluate the actual effectiveness of the projection.

An important detail regarding the relationship between the manager and kernel components has been ignored up to this point. That detail is avoiding "recursive" cache faults; when a manager is attempting to supply a missing cache entry, it will often incur a page fault of its own; the handling of that page fault must not incur a second cache fault or the fault episode will never terminate. Basically the answer is to make certain key records in the cache ineligible for replacement. This pertains to the space and swap unit caches and to the caches maintained by the filer as well.

3.3 Process Implementation

The implementation of processes and monitors in Pilot/Mesa is summarized here; more detail can be found in [11].

The task of implementing the concurrency facilities is split roughly equally among Pilot, the Mesa compiler, and the underlying machine. The basic primitives are defined as language constructs (e.g., entering a MONITOR, WAITing on a CONDITION variable, FORKing a new PROCESS) and are implemented either by machine op-codes (for heavily used constructs, e.g., WAIT) or by calls on Pilot (for less heavily used constructs, e.g., FORK). The constructs supported by the machine and the low-level Mesa support component provide procedure calls and synchronization among existing processes, allowing the remainder of Pilot to be implemented as a collection of monitors, which carefully synchronize the multiple processes executing concurrently inside them. These processes comprise a variable number of client processes (e.g., which have called into Pilot through some public interface) plus a fixed number of dedicated system processes (about a dozen) which are created specially at system initialization time. The machinery for creating and deleting processes is a monitor within the high-level Mesa support component; this places it above the virtual memory implementation; this means that it is swappable, but also means that the rest of Pilot (with the exception of network streams) cannot make use of dynamic process creation. The process implementation is thus another example of the manager/kernel pattern, in which the manager is implemented at a very high level and the kernel is pushed down to a very low level (in this case, largely into the underlying machine). To the Pilot client, the split implementation appears as a unified mechanism comprising the Mesa language features and the operations defined by the Pilot Process interface.

3.4 File System Robustness

One of the most important properties of the Pilot file system is robustness. This is achieved primarily through the use of reconstructable maps. Many previous systems have demonstrated the value of a file scavenger, a utility program which can repair a damaged file system, often on a more or less ad hoc basis [5, 12, 14, 21]. In Pilot, the scavenger is given first-class citizenship, in the sense that the file structures were all designed from the beginning with the scavenger in mind. Each file page is self-identifying by virtue of its label, written as a separate physical record adjacent to the one holding the actual contents of the page. (Again, this is not a new idea, but is the crucial foundation on which the file system's robustness is based.) Conceptually, one can think of a file page access proceeding by scanning all known volumes, checking the label of each page encountered until the desired one is found. In practice, this scan is performed only once by the scavenger, which leaves behind maps on each volume describing what it found there; Pilot then uses the maps and incrementally updates them as file pages are created and deleted. The logical redundancy of the maps does not, of course, imply lack of importance, since the system would be not be viable without them; the point is that since they contain only redundant information, they canbe completely reconstructed should they be lost. In particular, this means that damage to any page on the disk can compromise only data on that page.

The primary map structure is the volume file map, a B-tree keyed on <file-uid, page-number> which returns the device address of the page. All file storage devices check the label of the page and abort the I/O operation in case of a mismatch; this does not occur in normal operation and generally indicates the need to scavenge the volume. The volume file map uses extensive compression of uids and run-encoding of page numbers to maximize the out-degree of the internal nodes of the B-tree and thus minimize its depth.

Equally important but much simpler is the volume allocation map, a table which describes the allocation status of each page on the disk. Each free page is a self-identifying member of a hypothetical file of free pages, allowing reconstruction of the volume allocation map.

The robustness provided by the scavenger can only guarantee the integrity of files as defined by Pilot. If a database defined by client software becomes inconsistent due to a system crash, a software bug, or some other unfortunate event, it is little comfort to know that the underlying file has been declared healthy by the scavenger. An "escape-hatch" is therefore provided to allow client software to be invoked when a file is scavenged. This is the main use of the file-type attribute mentioned in Section 2.1. After the Pilot scavenger has restored the low-level integrity of the file system, Pilot is restarted; before resuming normal processing, Pilot first invokes all client-level scavenging routines (if any) to reestablish any higher level consistency constraints that may have been violated. File types are used to determine which files should be processed by which client-level scavengers.

An interesting example of the first-class status of the scavenger is its routine use in transporting volumes between versions of Pilot. The freedom to redesign the complex map structures stored on volumes represents a crucial opportunity for continuing file system performance improvement, but this means that one version of Pilot may find the maps left by another version totally inscrutable. Since such incompatibility is just a particular form of "damage," however, the scavenger can be invoked to reconstruct the maps in the proper format, after which the corresponding version of Pilot will recognize the volume as its own.

3.5 Communication Implementation

The software that implements the packet communication protocols consists of a set of network-specific drivers, modules that implement sockets, network stream transducers, and at the heart of it all, a router. The router is a software switch. It routes packets among sockets, sockets and networks, and networks themselves. A router is present on every Pilot machine. On personal machines, the router handles only incoming, outgoing, and intramachine packet traffic. On internetwork router machines, the router acts as a service to other machines by transporting internetwork packets across network boundaries. The router's data structures include a list of all active sockets and networks on the local computer. The router is designed so that network drivers may easily be added to or removed from new configurations of Pilot; this can even be done dynamically during execution. Sockets come and go as clients create and delete them. Each router maintains a routing table indicating, for a given remote network, the best internetwork router to use as the next "hop" toward the final destination. Thus, the two kinds of machines are essentially special cases of the same program. An internetwork router is simply a router that spends most of its time forwarding packets between networks and exchanging routing tables with other internetwork routers. On personal machines the router updates its routing table by querying internetwork routers or by overhearing their exchanges over broadcast networks.

Pilot has taken the approach of connecting a network much like any other input/output device, so that the packet communication protocol software becomes part of the operating system and operates in the same personal computer. In particular, Pilot does not employ a dedicated front-end communications processor connected to the Pilot machine via a secondary interface.

Network-oriented communication differs from conventional input/output in that packets arrive at a computer unsolicited, implying that the intended recipient is unknown until the packet is examined. As a consequence, each incoming packet must be buffered initially in router-supplied storage for examination. The router, therefore, maintains a buffer pool shared by all the network drivers. If a packet is undamaged and its destination socket exists, then the packet is copied into a buffer associated with the socket and provided by the socket's client.

The architecture of the communication software permits the computer supporting Pilot to behave as a user's personal computer, a supplier of information, or as a dedicated internetwork router.

3.6 The Implementation Experience

The initial construction of Pilot was accomplished by a fairly small group of people (averaging about 6 to 8) in a fairly short period of time (about 18 months). We feel that this is largely due to the use of Mesa. Pilot consists of approximately 24,000 lines of Mesa, broken into about 160 modules (programs and interfaces), yielding an average module size of roughly 150 lines. The use of small modules and minimal intermodule connectivity, combined with the strongly typed interface facilities of Mesa, aided in the creation of an implementation which avoided many common kinds of errors and which is relatively rugged in the face of modification. These issues are discussed in more detail in [7] and [13].

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